vino india is an e-newsletter that brings news, views and reviews from the market for wine in India.
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Grover Zampa

Enjoy, It’s from Europe

Wines of South Australia – in India
The presence of some wine companies (from France and Romania) in the European delegation at Annapoorna 2017 raised vino india’s interest.
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Champagne Devaux

Novelty : Wines from Cyprus

Sake Time
A tasting of wines from Cyprus in New Delhi is a special not-to-be-missed treat. Radhika Puar shares her notes.
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Torres Time @ Qla

Wine and Women – from Australia
Torres is an early entrant in the Indian market. vino india joined one of their recent brand presentations with their visiting Brand Ambassador.
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Austrian Wine

Sommelier’s Special

Grover Turns 25
In his diary, Sreejith Ravindranathan Menon shares a very special evening with a wine-loving couple.
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E D I T O R ' S    P I C K
How do you like your wine – with a cork or screw-cap?
Why you should become a wine snob
Champagne industry study shows women have stronger networks
Why some wines are so damn expensive
How do you like your wine – with a cork or screw-cap?
Why you should become a wine snob
Champagne industry study shows women have stronger networks
Why some wines are so damn expensive GQ HBR VinePair